Go Modern, Holiday Style

Enjoy some holiday inspiration from fabulously vintage modern homes as the season winds down and the long lines, exhausted cashiers and holiday song standards (excessively repeated) make one final push to the end. We are unpacking our newly received container and you can view some of our recently added items in the Just Landed section. Possibly a holiday treat can be found... Maybe a set of vintage deer and ram figures could make your mantel a little more festive. Or a pair of Westnofa chairs to snuggle up on near a roaring fire. Perhaps something geometric like a guiding star in the night or a trio of penguins straight from the North Pole can warm the cockles of your heart and wash away all that bah humbug that has been building to a boiling point of holiday resentment and angst. Don't fret, they are almost here (and almost over). You can look forward to a new year of sweet, sweet forgetting to relieve the holiday fatigue (and lots of delicious pie). Hap...