
Showing posts from February, 2013

Palm Springs Modernism Show

We're so excited to be showing a select few of many of our amazing items at the Modernism Show in Palm Springs this year (: Click on the picture for more information.  We will be there for the whole weekend, so stop by if you're around the area! 


 We're so proud to announce the opening of our new store Shopclass ! Located in Highland Park, Shopclass is a combined effort between a junker, designer, and Mid-Century importer that is a community-based, multipurpose furniture store that provides an eclectic assortment of vintage goodies. Shopclass supports the art community by hosting workshops to empower and inspire you with practical skills to revive inexpensive furniture gems.   H ere are a few pics from the store!                                                                                                                                                     


We have yet another container! This one has been waiting at the dock patiently while we unloaded the first one that came in. We have yet more stacking chairs along with storage units in stock (: Our coolest Tomado industrial wall units come looking like this: And when unwrapped transform into this!